Sunday, November 8, 2009

Keyword Density and SEO - How Search Engines Parse Keywords on Your Page for Context

In order to determine a web page's relevancy for a particular search query, search engines look at a variety of different factors to understand what a web page is about. We've talked about how title tags matter, as do URLs, and meta descriptions (but much less so). Additionally, one very big factor for how a search engine determines what your web page is about is by looking at the actual text on that page as well as the various words in it and their relative frequencies. The concepts of "keyword density" relates to how frequently various keywords are seen on a given page. If the keyword is seen a lot, then it follows that that page must be talking about a topic very relevant to that keyword.

In practical terms, what this means is that using the right keywords in your post matters and you should be cognizant of that. I would caveat that with a warning that "keyword stuffing," or artificially including excess keywords on your page, can not only create a bad experience for users but also potentially raise red flags with the search engines that you may be trying to game their algorithms (and subsequently incur a punishment from them). So, make sure to keep an eye on the keywords on your page but do so in a way that preserves the user experience and doesn't try to trick the search engines in any way.

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